Environmental Oopsies – a Human Nature misstep (or two…)

Notice how early travelers and immigrants brought what they thought they needed and wanted to new worlds.

And wanted what everyone else had too even before shipping crates sailed the ocean blue to an Amazon warehouse near you.

For months – no really years – I’ve been taking screen shots of headlines from my newsapp. Amazing how all these things that seem so wonderful are messing up the world – and more specifically – our lives. So I thought I’d just share them with – a little environmental summer holiday gift! Enjoy???????

Shopping for the summer holiday?

That cute top was likely shipped on the ocean blue and it’s more likely it will end up as micro-plastic back there.

The glory of war – a reminder this needs to stop.

Water too often seems like it’s free.

Oh, DUH – more plastic????

And FYI, plastic is from fossil fuels too.

Is there any place that ISN’T clogged with plastic!

Hmm, why doesn’t anyone just realize using LESS plastic is the only way to save us all.

Does everything need to be packaged as much as it is?

All that paper and packaging comes from trees – often clear cut from a mountain side that may be washed down the hill with all these crazy storms we’re getting.

It’s everywhere it seems – and the piles of crap that litter shorelines and end up in dumps are just ending up back in our drinking water and soil. OUCH.

Each of us can decide what headline makes the news. What about each of us using less, shopping less, wanting less stuff and more nature experiences: Mother Nature AND Human Nature interactions!

Published by

LB Katz

Human Nature Concepts explores places, ideas, and identity by bridging human nature through Mother Nature's laws and rules. My goal is to rock the boundaries of science education, adding emotional intelligence/social skills (communication and self-awareness) WITH science! Time to show science as the fabulous subject it's always been.

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