June 5th is World Environment Day – learn more – take (at least) one action today

Everything we do is about money, as much as I hate to admit it. But what to do when our love of money is killing us? Literally – and I’m not talking like Succession (not that I know: was there a real death?)

What is YOUR love of money and what it buys doing to your health and the future health of your children and loved ones?

Got Kids? Want kids?

Native Americans KNEW to care for the planet more than caring about STUFF.

Plastic pollution is NOT a game – or not a game we can win.

Reducing the amount of plastic used and tossed IS important – even more important than the newest on Succession or Ted Lasso or what this or that celebrity did.

Read and think what you can do – don’t just read/scroll/like – take action!

How much plastic did you use today? (honestly!)

Which plastic could you have carried your own bottle and/or bag?

What you buy – and toss – shows your beliefs: Support Ukraine – Support Black Lives Matter – TAKE ACTION by eating less beef, shopping less especially fast fashion, using fewer plastic bottles and bags. Your action makes a difference!

Did you buy a synthetic shirt/shorts/shoes today or this weekend? HINT: it’s like plastic!

Did you get an iced coffee drink or buy a bottled drink – in plastic? WHY? You know you could bring your own cup or ask for your iced drink be put in paper cup.

Become an influencer: Take a vow: Use one less plastic/ day for the rest of June (at least). Post on facebook/instagram.

It’s way too easy to forget how loving money and stuff destroys what we really love – clean air, water, food.

I thought I’d just do a little copy/paste action on World Environment Day 2023 thanks to the brilliance of Google and copied from several sources including the UN.

Read, take action, Influence:

What is the theme of the world Environment Day 2023?

World Environment Day 2023: History, Theme, Poster ...

19 hours ago

World Environment Day 2023: Theme

The 50th anniversary of World Environment Day will be hosted by Côte D’Ivoire, with the theme of “solutions to plastic pollution”.4 hours ago

Why is June 5th World Environment Day?

The date was chosen by the UN General Assembly during the historic 1972 Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment – considered to be the first world conference to make the environment a major issue.2 hours ago

From The UN about Environment Day: https://www.un.org/en/observances/environment-day


Join the #BeatPlasticPollution movement through the official website of World Environment Day 2023. You can access more interesting information, the actions you can carry out to contribute, as well as a large number of materials to promote the movement through social media. Every performance, no matter how small, matters.

From pollution to solution

What do the deepest point in the ocean, the Mariana trench, and the highest mountain peak in the world, Mt. Everest, have in common? Despite being among the planet’s most inaccessible environments, they both contain tiny pieces of plastic from human activities miles away. Discover in this visual report the problem of garbage in the oceans. More interactive and visual stories here.

Plastic, a danger for climate change

Plastic is predominantly produced from oil and gas, both of which are fossil fuels. The more plastic we make, the more fossil fuel is required, the more we intensify the climate crisis. Also, plastic products create greenhouse gas emissions across their whole lifecycle. If no action is taken, greenhouse gas emissions caused by plastic could account for 19% of the Paris Agreement’s total allowable emissions in 2040 to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Read more about climate change.

A few other thoughts recorded at the start of the Russian immoral invasion of Ukraine:

Your choices matter.

Choose as if your life depended on it.

Change the direction of war by authoritarian countries like Russia by lowering your use of oil and gas – including free shipping, fast fashion, and sadly… (for me) coffee!