Environmental Psychology

It’s the Shopping season – aka ‘the holidays’. This year, ‘they’ say, people will spend more on holiday gifts. After all, last year’s holidays sucked, or should I say last year sucked. In fact, one source of entertainment was on-line shopping. (I was lucky to be able to go to Goodwill, and yes, it was a source of entertainment.) Of course ‘they say’ so much of what was bought was regretted because it wasn’t needed, really wanted, and honestly, likely crap. (Yup, even more Goodwill finds!). Now – this year – we’ll have even more crap as people shop – Yay!

Or, not so great, post COP26….

Shopping is a great salve for a battered soul. A new purchase adds a lift; a temporary lift. Like eating a bag of chips or a (large) chocolate bar. I should know – I’ve done the shopping, chips, and always the (large) chocolate!

BUT… Isn’t there always a BUT???? …. on the heels of COP 26, the BIG climate summit just ended in Glasgow, it was made VERY obvious the planet (Mother Nature) is in serious trouble. Mother Nature is in the ICU, about to put on life support.

If she’s in trouble, so are we. Mother Nature is the reason we are here: breathing, eating, writing blog posts, and, shopping.

Our relationship to Mother Nature, the Economy, and, even/especially to ourselves is in trouble. Therapy trouble. Which is why I think there needs to be a new profession: Environmental Psychology. Psychology to ask WHY we do what we do to the environment; to ourselves.

Because, why would we, humans, take so many actions we know will kill us, or, at best, make our lives miserable? Why do things that cause floods, draught, and fires?,

What would you do to fix a toxic relationship?

Shopping, buying more stuff, is insulting to our relationship with Mother Nature. Sure, spending money adds love to the economy. Most of us in the developed world have lots of goodies (even if we want more…). These goodies are, as usual, killing poor and indigenous people first. No worries, developed nations are next.

In the USA, did you ‘celebrate’ Indigenous People’s Day instead of Columbus Day? Lament the plight of wanna be immigrants at the southern border? Believe Black Lives Matter? Our use of cash and credit impacts their rights and health. Another example of put your money where your mouth is!

Psychology: Do you love money and stuff more than health? If so, why? Explore….

Without the environment there is no economy – first off, we’re dead – but, also, everything we do/eat/shop is from Mother Nature. Absolutely everything.

Every tree is a money tree. Every tree is a ‘Giving Tree’. But only if the tree is alive. Actually the whole forest needs to be alive to support that tree: important basic biology!

Psychology: Love money? Then protect what you love – protect Mother Nature.

Psychology: We know and we don’t do it…

Like I know eating a bag of chips will tighten my jeans and make me sick – but I do it anyway…

COP26 world leaders ‘blah-blah-ed’ as Greta said and really did nothing – why not? Obviously no WIIFM was met – I guess they love money and power more than they love their kids!

Forget world leaders: dig into your own psyche and be your own psychologist. Ask: What’s In It For Me? Health or stuff? Family or pollution from stuff. Money is power – and emotion/psychology.

This holiday season: Ask first, then take ACTION!

Each of us matter – our actions matter. Choose life and health. Buy less. Buy quality.